Interview with Tim Dierkes of
Tim Dierkes of and was kind enough to answer a few questions for Dexter Sports. Here is a look at what he had to say. Enjoy!
DS: So Tim, what goes into a regular day at
Tim Dierkes: After I answer my emails and address any urgent rumors, I spend much of the morning reading. I have about 300 sites in my RSS feed; I'll scour for rumors or anything else of interest. I try to make sure to write 3-4 posts before lunchtime. This is a new routine for me, but I'm thinking afternoons will be spent flipping between ballgames while working from my laptop. I try to address more business-type things in the afternoon.
DS: Back in January, ESPN's Peter Gammons posted in his blog that is one of sites that he never misses. Put in to perspective what it means for the big man himself to visit your site frequently.
Tim Dierkes: It's a huge honor that MLBTR is one of Peter's reads. I hope I can keep him coming back every day.
DS: As the old saying goes, "baseball is a game of numbers." Baseball's trends are swinging more toward breaking down the numbers to find the value of the player instead of their natural talent on the field. What are you thoughts on Sabermetrics?
Tim Dierkes: Sabermetrics is interesting, an advanced way of looking at the game. I am not too advanced personally but I have some stat-geek leanings. I think it's a shame, some of the stereotypes that are constantly put out about those who enjoy stats. Stat people love the game, love watching the game, and appreciate the intangibles. And I think stat people have full respect for the value of scouting.
DS: Is there one rumor you always point out to people and say, "Look who got that right!"
Tim Dierkes: I am definitely not known for getting successful, exclusive rumors. It's pretty tough to do. That said we had a few small wins this winter breaking info on Morgan Ensberg and Brad Wilkerson. Baby steps!
DS: Last but not least, I know your a cubs fan. The tables have turned and its a new century in cubs history. Is it time to brush off the goat?, or is Ryan Dempster's bold prediction just another hope of glory instead of reality.
Tim Dierkes: The Cubs seem to have a good chance of making the playoffs. Once there, any club can go on a hot streak and win it all. I don't think the club's futility is curse-related or anything. Bill James had a recent statement lately that the Cubs were set back until about 1980 for due to tardiness in farm system development. I found that interesting. But anyway this is one of the deeper Cubs teams I can remember.