Off-Season Outlook: Detroit Tigers

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For the Detroit Tigers, the off-season if very grim after a horrible ending to the 2008 season, which seen them slip past the Kansas City Royals into last place as the season unfolded. After many had hopes of a world series birth, fans in Detroit are hoping the Tigers can reel in a successful 2009.

Today starts an ongoing series title, "Off-Season Outlook." With the help of bloggers from across the blogsophere, I hope to break down some team needs and questions with some of the best coverage available. For this edition, I am joined by the wonderful, award winning columnist Kurt Mensching of The Mining Journal in Marquette, Michigan. Mensching maintains Mack Avenue Tigers, which I believe is the best Tigers blog on the map.

Here is what he had to say about the Tigers Off-Season:

JD: First of All, what do you think is the most important need that
has to be addressed this off season for the Tigers?

KM: Honestly, the need is defense. Pitching is an important part of
defense. But eventually, someone's going to hit the ball and you need
the 7 guys who stand behind the pitcher to do something about it. That
was the Tigers' weak point this season. It was just awful to watch, at
times, the bungling fielders. You can pretty much point anywhere but
Curtis Granderson (or Brandon Inge's time at third base) and find ugly

How they'll address is is another question. It's easier to say, "by
getting better defenders." But that's just not possible unless they're
able to unload some contracts. But there are a few places they can
work with. They have to get a better fielding shortstop, of course.
They need a better fielding left fielder than Carlos Guillen.
Basically, they need to find a way to get a bit younger and more
athletic in the field, but without sacrificing the scoring. Easier
written than done.

JD: Many Have linked free agent starter Derek Lowe to the Tigers
because of his connection to Michigan, Do you think signing him or a
free agent starter of his quality is a must for this upcoming season?

KM: I think fans like to banter about "Well, he's from this state and
fills the role, he'd want to come home!" but I don't really see it
happen all that often. As for Lowe, yeah, I guess he could eat some
innings. But I'd rather they use the rotation spot on either some of
the younger guys, or even Freddy Garcia or Dontrelle Willis. I don't
want to see the Tigers throwing any more money at older players. It's
not what they need.

JD: This Bullpen has been everything but successful since the 2006
season. We even Saw bullpen coach Jeff Jones and pitching coach Chuck
Hernandez lose their jobs. Do you see an overhaul of this bullpen in
the near future?

KM: They don't really have any choice. They need to fill a lot of
holes that just naturally opened up with players' contacts expiring,
anyway. They need a closer. But they shouldn't spend a lot of money on
one. If they don't feel comfortable promoting from within, they should
try to find a reliever from someone else's bullpen who doesn't close
games and give it a try. I think it's an overrated, stats-driven
position myself. But you obviously can't have a headcase like Fernando
Rodney out in important games either. Rodney should be fine as setup.
I like Bobby Seay as the LOOGY. And they'll have to look at the 2008
college closer draftees of theirs to see if there's anything that can
make the big league club. Otherwise, they just have to scatter some
shots at relievers, no big contracts, but they should definitely be
trying to find a couple of guys at the $3-4M per season level and see
what happens.

JD: One of the major issues going into the off season is the shortstop
position. Do you think Ramon Santiago can be the everyday guy?

KM: Defensively, I think he can. I think he should be. Offensively, he
had a nice 2008 season. But I don't know if we can expect that out of
him. Still, I think the free agent shortstop market is going to be
overheated and not worth investing in this year. The best move for the
Tigers is probably just to play some defense and hope Santiago doesn't
hinder run production too much. Of course, with the entire left side
of the infield giving away at bats, they might have to find a catcher
who is above-average at the plate. Not an easy task either.

JD: Jim Leyland has been a lot of the talk in the regional press so
far this off season. Do you think that he deserves an extension after
this season?

KM: After this season? No. Not that I blame him for this season. So
many injuries, such an oddly put-together team. It was one of those
teams going in you knew could either win 100 or fall on its face.
There's a team or two every year that has a bunch of big names, but a
few too many aging players. And every year, a team falls on its face.
That was my fear heading into the season and it turned out. Too many
injuries, too many softball players. It happens. Leyland didn't have a
lot to work with. But I don't view that as being reason to give him an
extension either. I suspect the Tigers will look at his body of work
sometime in 2009 and figure it out before the season is over. They'll
probably offer him something mid-season I'd have to think. And I bet
he takes it.

Do you see any big name free agents landing in Detroit? I know that
you have discussed on your blog, names such as Fransisco Rodriguez and
C.C. Sabathia, and how you feel Detroit should move away from those
players. Do you see the Tigers moving more toward a youth movement,
that includes youngsters such as outfielder Matt Joyce?

In my plan for the Tigers, they don't punt 2009. but they don't try to
make a run at the World Series with the same strategy as 2008. So yes,
I'm in favor of a youth movement. Not a full-on youth movement. But
there are a few moves that have to be made, and they're not
necessarily easy ones. For one, they have to dump Gary Sheffield.
Trade him, drop him, I don't really care. And two, they need to trade
Magglio Ordonez for some sort of young, yet major-league ready catcher
or pitchers. Preferably catcher though. That opens room for moving
Carlos Guillen to DH, and for playing Matt Joyce, who I think really
must be in the lineup and on the field. And it might be time to get a
good look at Wilkin Ramirez in the outfield as well.

I think that would give the Tigers a nice combination of defense and
speed, while still allowing for a few guys who can hit the ball. The
runs scored would obviously drop some. Don't get me wrong. I don't
want NL ball. I don't want small ball. But they just can't be playing
softball games anymore. They need to give Leyland a few more strategic
options and cut down on expected injuries.

JD: Finally, Tell us a little bit about yourself and what made or
makes you a Tigers fan?

KM: I was born and lived half my childhood in Detroit. And I was a bit
too young to have any real memory of 1984, but I did know the Tigers
won the World Series. Baseball was always my sport growing up, too. I
liked basketball (the Pistons were my true first sports love) but
wasn't blessed with height. So I played baseball throughout growing up
and in high school and collected baseball cards and followed the
Tigers religiously on the radio and the few televised games, and got
down to Tiger Stadium as often as possible after moving to northern
lower Michigan. Baseball's just always been my sport, I guess. And I
love my hometown. So nothing would mean more to me (and I suspect
Detroit) than seeing the Tigers actually win it all.


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