Deals I would love to see happen this Winter

Category: By Dex
-Dexter Sports
2:21 PM
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As baseball fans, we all have deals and signings in our minds, that we would love to see happen. Whether it be to better your favorite team, or just kill your rival, you dream about these signings and trades. Here are some that I would love to see this offseason.

1.) Prince Fielder packs his bags for D-Town-

Lets face it. The Brewers really need to clear money, and though they would like to keep the Prince on board, the ultimate truth is that they cannot afford him. So, why not move him across Lake Michigan? I would love the possibility of a father son duo hitting 50 homers (in different seasons of course) for the same team for the first time in history. Prince would fit well as the DH on the Squad wouldn't he? The Tigers could send some funky prospects that the Brewers fall in love with, and no one has heard of, but turn out to be superstars. Mat Gamel could fill in at first, and the Brewers could push to bring back big C.C. Seeing Prince in a Tigers uniform would be quite the site. Plus, it might spark a bonding possibility and a rekindling of a father-son relationship.

2.) White Sox do not pick up Ken Griffey's contract and He signs with the Mariners-

Come on! Any person who watched baseball in the 90's is rooting for a return to Seattle. We all saw the reception he got when he returned to Seattle. He wont be able to be the young gunning, gold glove center fielder we once loved, but he will be competitive. In a tough time for Seattle baseball fans, It would be nice to see them bring back Seattle's kid.

3.) Jake Peavy is traded to the east coast-

Lets be honest with each other, this isn't going to happen. But I love this guy so much, I just want to be able to see him pitch at a time where I'm not passing out in my lazy boy. Plus, how cool would it be to see his great attitude and wonderful personality mix with a competing east coast team. How about the Rays? Sure, it would take one of their top prospects and more, but hey, It would be well worth it. Hello the 90's braves all over again. Oh, if only the dreams could come true. To be honest, I just love to see this guy pitch. And its hard to catch him on the west coast.

4.) Mike Mussina returns to Baltimore-

Yah right, but I can dream right? Just to see the moose, and the knuckle curve back at it in Oriole park would make my 2009 season. It has been rumored that he is thinking about retiring on a good note, but I have a feeling he will be back. Mussina is in a fraternity of Oriole greats that include Jim Palmer and Mike Flannigan. But when it is all said and done, it wont be in Baltimore. I expect the Yankees, Red Sox, and Dodgers to try and put a cheap bid in. Mussina will most likely don those dirty dirty pinstripes yet again.

5.) Cubs sign Moises Alou, AJ Burnett, Carl Pavano, Braden Looper and Ivan Rodriguez-

See what I'm getting at. All of these free agents played a huge part in the 2003 NLCS. If you bring back Alou, you can find Bartman and replay that situation. And Big Lou can put out Burnett, Looper and Pudge to grit it out during the season and make a run in the playoffs. The Marlins made one of the best playoff runs in history in 2003, starting with bringing down Barry Bonds and the Giants. We all know the Cubs can't win in the playoffs. So why not bring in the guys that ruined their only true chance in 2003?

6.) Manny Ramirez signs with the Hiroshima Carp -

Picture Manny suited up in the Carps uni blasting bombs out of the Tokyo dome. Holy Moley it would be amazing. Ramirez wouldnt worry about playing tough, he would get all the money he wants, and Japanese fans will laugh at him when he falls flat on his face and completely misses the baseball in the outfield. I just thought when the Red Sox went to Japan to open the season, Manny belonged. Heck, I would love it, you know ESPN would be all over the coverage. The only issue that would kill Ramirez is simply that everyone would keep telling him, "You not Big Papi!"

7.) C.C. Sabathia signs with the Oakland A's -

If this were to happen, Billy Beane would have to change the definition of Moneyball to, "Using smarts, and finally handing a bunch of cash to the best pitcher in the league, to win ballgames." I can so see Billy going the Babe Ruth route, and putting C.C. At DH for the long haul. How cool would that be? I mean heck, his salary would leave Billy only enough money for two other players. He would have to bring back Jeremy Brown. I'm pretty sure he could make it work. Billy Beane is Jesus, a god walking on earth.

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