Varitek shows true leadership before what could be his last game in a Red Sox Uniform

Category: By Dex
-Dexter Sports
3:04 PM
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Jason Varitek might be on of the most overrated catchers of our time. His numbers are not even close to staggering. The last three seasons he has only eclipsed .250 once. Throughout his career he has flirted with .300 just three times. And its not like he is a stud defensively. Sure he had a .996 fielding percentage this season, but his backup, Kevin Cash, threw out the same amount of runners as him in the regular season (16). Manager Terry Francona doesn't trust 'Tek with knuckleballer Tim Wakefield on the mound. But yet, people always have labeled him as one of the best catchers in the league. Commending him for the 'C' that mans his uniform. Well folks, I did not buy into that 'C'. Until I read this morning's Boston Globe.

I was stuck by his comments in when asked last night about this possibly being his last game at Fenway Park. Here is what Varitek had to say:

"That's totally irrelevant now to what this team is facing. Sorry about that."

I know it sounds generic, but It sold me. Varitek could have talked about his career with the sox, maybe gone on one of those Curt Schilling rants. He could of complained about how he hasn't been taken care of. But no, he is only worried about the job he has to do. He has to keep compusure. And that is why he dons the "C'. And heck, if thats enough, the words of Daisuke Matsuzaka say it all:
"For two years over all those games that Varitek has caught for me, I've been able to pitch with less and less stress over that time, and that certainly has helped me in my performance as well."
So watch for Mr. Varitek tonight to give it his all. He might still look ugly at the plate, and not drive in the runs requested, but he is a true gamer. And if the Red Sox let him walk, some pitching staff will be more than happy to give Varitek the reigns to the sleigh. Look what it has done. Since '99 when he took over, the Red Sox have been one of the best pitching staffs in history. I really think a lot of that has to do with him. I mean, the man has caught four no hitters.

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