Ryan Braun, We are Pulling for Ya Buddy

Category: By Dex
Dexter Sports
3:02 PM
Dexter-Sports Inbox

It's Official. I have jumped onto my first All-Star Bandwagon to support Ryan Braun in his pursuit of making the Starting Lineup for the NL All-Stars. Why you say? Simple. He is a masher. And Bloggers dig the long ball.......

Braun has been a near prodigy since joining the big leagues last season with the Brewers. He is a man possessed. 58 RBIs and July has just Started. HELLO people! It's time to start voting! He is within 33,000 votes. Come on. Do the right thing. Vote for him. Ok, your not sold on him right? Well take a look at this equation. It proves that he is all-star caliber.

(20 HRs + 58 RBI)+ (NO ERRORS!)
__________________________ = ALL-STAR STARTER

Did I fail to mention that his six outfield assists leads NL left fielders? Forget the boys in blue, It's Braun Time BABY!

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