The Pitchers of Choice

-Dexter Sports
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Everyone knows that at this point of the baseball season, many teams are looking for help on the mound. For Teams like the Brewers and Tigers, it is becuase of the loss of key components to their rotation. For others, like the Cubs and Phillies, It is about improving their staff to get that closer to the goal of a World Series. Either way, the top teams in the league have to make choices. Heres what I think will happen on the deadline. Or at least a glance at what options teams will mull.

Milwaukee Brewers: BrewersNation hit the nail on the head with the starting pitching possibilities the Brewers will mull over. What should they do when the Time comes? If I am Doug Melvin I have to feel obligated to bring in C.C. Sabathia. The Brewers have one of, if not the best package to offer. The one thing that could hold them back is that Sabathia is going to take up a lot of payroll. I just have a feeling though. I really do not see Zach Grienke or Cliff Lee as options, as BrewersNation does, but I do think another veteran starter and Cleveland Indian Paul Byrd might be a good fit. Sure, he is Jeff Suppan Jr. but in the National League, Byrd could have success. He wouldn't be that much of an upgrade over Seth McClung either. One name that does fit is Daniel Cabrera. He is actually posting a 1.40 WHIP. Like I have mentioned before, The Brewers could snatch A.J. Burnett as well, just to block the Cubs from making a deal. The Brewers would pay him and then allow him to walk next season .

New York Yankees: As much as it makes sense, I do not see the Yankees going big pitching wise. Phil Hughes is on his way back, Sidney Ponson is loving New York, and I believe that Mr. Steinbrenner believes that Mike Mussina will keep up his first half performance throughout the year. That being said, I am not sold on this bullpen. Expect this team to get in the middle of Brian Fuentes talks. How about Aaron Heilman hopping on the seven train? I don't think that is likely, but it is possible. If the Yankees could land George Sherrill inter-division or another top notch reliever, such as Jon Rauch, It will make this team that much better. A mid range starter wouldn't do any good.

Chicago Cubs: I have a bad feeling the Cubs are going to try and land someone, and overpay. It seems that the Cubs are willing to deal Rich Hill, which could be a major mistake. It would not be hard for a team like the Athletics or Mariners would be happy to take on Hill and another prospect for the contracts of Bedard or Rich Harden. Jim Hendry has been too anxious in the past and might jump on a deal too fast. This is why the Cubs have not been successful in the past. They give up on players and prospects way too fast. Going for the wrong pitcher could really hurt this system yet again. I think that the Cubs have their eyes on the top four. Burnett, Sabathia, Bedard or Harden will be in a Cub uniform.

Los Angeles Angels: Here is a good phrase that tell you the Angels' pitching situation. "If it ain't broken, don't fix it." This staff has been just short of amazing. Ervin Santana, Joe Saunders, and reliever Jose Arredondo have all been pleasant. There is no room to make a deal. I also feel that if given the chance, Nick Adenhart will blossom in his second stint with the major leagues. Heck, Jon Garland, the 5th starter in this rotation, already has 7 wins. Signing Frankie Rodriguez long term though, could be a good option.

New York Mets: I am not sure if anything will be done at the deadline, but I know that if the Mets stay around .500, Omar Minaya will wheel and deal. Remember when he went and got Cliff Floyd and Bartolo Colon? Remember when he went and got Johan Santana? Be ready for it. Something is going to happen before the deadline. I believe that Freddy Garcia will also be a Met at the deadline. Beyond that, Bedard and Burnett should be two pitchers that Minaya talks about. It will be interesting to see if the Mets can pull something together for Sabathia. Though I doubt it will happen, I believe it is a possibility.

Philadelphia Phillies: We know that Gillick is going to make a move. The question is just when. Their Bullpen has been lights out. Chad Durbin and Brad Lidge have been pleasant surprises. And the rotation hasn't been that bad. But one more piece could solidify yet another division title. Bedard is definitely the favorite. I do think that Brett Meyers will turn it around here in the second half. That should be a big boost.

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