The Dexter-Sports Trade Evaluator

By Dex
-Dexter Sports
1:19 AM
Dexter-Sports Inbox

While you were all busy soaking up the trade deadline, and seeing Baseball's favorite son finally land a gig in hollywood, I was watching my World Series pick, The Milwaukee Brewers, get pounded by the Chicago Cubs. It was a good series.... If you are a Cubs fan. But trust me, this battle isn't over. I could almost count out the Cardinals after witnessing part of that series first hand. But Hell, they werent supposed to be at this point anyways, so who knows. But life is more than Cubs/Brewers..... Its about the NL West and AL East and AL Central race that just got much more interesting. Let's break down the big trades. And no, I'm not going to break down the Arthur Rhodes deal. There is no point.

The Big Deal:

The Winners: Los Angeles Dodgers, Pittsburgh Pirates: I really like what the Pirates did in this trade. Not only do they drop expensive talent, they replace it with an outfielder that could also have the same type of production someday. Throw in a possible future closer in Craig Hanson and then a guy in Andy LaRoche, that could develop Aramis Ramirez type power if he becomes a major league caliber player. Throw in Jeff Karstens and Jose Tabata from the Yankee trade, and this team is looking at a good future.

So why are the Dodgers Winners? It's obvious. Your able to get Manny for a prospect you have given up on and a minor league arm. That is it. Sure, you have the biggest log jam in major league outfield history, but to add that bat is simply something you have to do. Like Joe Torre Said, you wish you have the DH, but you don't, and you have to make do. If their pitching can hang with the Diamondback staff, then this deal puts them over the top.

The Losers: Boston Red Sox

Could I be wrong about this? Of course. But I feel that too much talent was tossed around just to obtain someone of equal or lesser value, because of character and commitment issues. Guess what? The Red Sox had the same issues when they took home the world series last year. It blows my mind that they were willing to give up on Graig Hanson, Brandon Moss, and Manny for.....Jason Bay. I know that Theo met with his team and they discussed this to be the right move. But while Manny is being Manny in Hollywood and protecting LA Hitters, the Red Sox might be sitting on their couch wishing that Jason Bay was still a Pirate.

Tomorrow we will look at the other deals. For Now, I'm signing off.

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