Astros could have the most Interest in Garcia

Category: By Dex
-Dexter Sports
6:28 am
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The Astros seem to be hot on the chase for soon to be available Freddy Garcia. General Manager Ed Wade has contacted Garcia's agent already, and you can bet that scouts will be there to see him when he works out for several teams on later in this month.

With a lot of teams needing pitching help, I wouldn't doubt that somewhere near half of MLB will have some type of scout watching his workout. But the Astros? It doesn't make sense. It's time to move on Ed. Chacon obviously wasn't the answer, but in the Long term, neither is Garcia. Why waste the time and money? Houston is ten games back. Other Teams of interest though make sense.

How about the Tigers or Brewers. Of Course, The Brewers have a good amount of prospects available that could land a bigger fish in the sea. The Tigers though, do not. That is why Garcia makes a lot of sense. All it would cost is an amount of salary for the rest of the season. If Dontrelle Willis doesn't turn it around, It makes a lot of since.

How about the Mets? Omar Minaya has constantly been in pursuit of Garcia, and now could be the best time to land him. Oliver Perez has not been to form, Pedro Martinez isn't turning the corner and surprisingly Johan Santana has not been great. Minaya is on the hot seat. He will do whatever possible to get back on track.

Garcia is an interesting pitcher at the deadline. Tomorrow, We will look more in depth at options for many teams at the deadline. Stay Tuned.

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