Around the Horn: Gagne Shut Down for Now

-Dexter Sports
12:30 PM
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Dana Eveland (4-3 2.90) continues to shine. The Oakland A's starter acquired from the Diamondbacks in the Dan Haren deal went the distance and only gave up one run on three hits. What a spectacular performance. In today's news our main focus will be on pitching and even the lack thereof.

  • Brandon Webb's win streak ended last night as the Florida Marlins out dueled the Arizona Diamondbacks by the score of 3-1. Florida Marlins starter Ricky Nolasco looked good on the mound pitching 7 innings while only giving up a run. Webb's runs came of a Cody Ross homer and a Luis Gonzalez triple. I still don't think that we will see Webb lose a lot of games in a row in 2008. His sinker ball was working well and the Marlins executed very well. Throw in the fact that the Diamondback offense will not score just one run in most of his starts, and I think that Webb will be just fine. Not that anybody would argue.
  • Cubs ace Carlos Zambrano insisted that his shoulder was fine on Wednesday. Zambrano, who is scheduled to start on Friday, was bothered by a stiff neck early this week. Many speculated that it could be Zambrano's shoulder that has bothered him in the past. Zambrano was clear when addressing the media. Zambrano even flexed his forearm and said he will show the media on Friday. Look for Zambrano to pull out a good outing against the Pirates.
  • The Joba experiment has started in New York. Brian Cashman announced yesterday that the project to stretch his arm out is underway. Though it was thought that Chamberlain would make a few rehab starts in AAA, it seems that the stretching could take place in New York. The Yankees threw Chamberlain out for two innings against the Orioles. One spot that seems to be protected in the rotation is that of Darrell Rasner. Rasner is 3-0 with a 1.93 ERA. With Ian Kennedy getting a second chance today to make the rotation a mainstay and Phil Hughes coming off the DL pretty soon, Rasner might be the odd man out, simply because Mike Mussina and Andy Pettitte will be there all season.
  • Red Sox pitcher Clay Buchholz will make a rehab start at Pawtucket on Sunday. Bartolo Colon, who replaced him picked up the win last night for the Sox. Kevin Cash will be in the lineup tonight as Daisuke Matzusaka will take the mound. It will be only the second time that Mutzusaka hasn't worked with Jason Varitek. Cash will be in the game to give Varitek two nights off as knuckler Tim Wakefield will take the mound tomorrow.
  • The Mariners have designated Cha Seung Baek for an assignment. R.A. Dickey will be on hand in the pen against the Tigers this afternoon. Dickey sports a knuckler that reaches 75 MPH and a slight fastball. The Mariners Bullpen has been atrocious so far this season and Dickey will get his chance to stop the bleeding. We could possibly see Dickey in the rotation for Miguel Bautista at some point.

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