Around the Horn: Misc. and Match Ups

-Dexter Sports
6:33 PM

We have had some interesting things happen within this week of baseball. Players are becoming eligible in different positions around the league and some are just stepping up that we would not expect. Here is a look at some interesting facts and some great match ups going into tonight's action.

  • Who would know that at this point of the season, Emil Brown of the Oakland A's would be in the top 5 in Runs Batted in. Great Job to Billy Beane for yet again finding a run producer out of nothing. Brown has 22 Rbis.
  • Angels first baseman Casey Kotchman has been hitting fourth between Vladimir Guererro and Torii Hunter. Kotchman has produced so far this year, hitting .337 with 6 long balls. Garrett Anderson, who he is replacing in the four spot, is hitting a measly .235.

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