Post-Season Review: Jumping on the Brewer Train

Category: By Dex
-Dexter Sports
3:07 PM
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He did it again. With the biggest crowd output and least amount of Cub fans in Miller Park, in at least my viewing history. C.C. Sabathia controlled the show. And now, after 20+ years of hope, despair, and the attempt to make a push to the playoffs, they have made it. When it's all said and done, no matter where this run ends up, undoubtedly C.C. is the major reason why the Brewers are post season bound.

That is why they should resign him.

I know this sounds extremely crazy. It does not make make any sense to bring back one pitcher in favor of a bunch of position players. But in this baseball fan's eyes, it almost seems that Mr. Sabathia is the Brewers.

No, I'm not going to run down the numbers, because you know them all already. And I'm not going to talk about what Sabathia can do, because it's obvious. But come on Doug Melvin, do the right thing.
(Before I continue this banter, I must make it clear that this is the voice of a fan, and as the voice of the fan, I might not be rational)

Undoubtedly, C.C. Sabathia will demand somewhere in the 150 million dollar range for five years. And you know that teams, such as the Yankees and Red Sox will raise that value. But, what if the Brewers were to make a run? Would he consider a discount. It would be possible. Why not offer him a deal just a little bit above the value of Johan Santana's? I know your thinking it's impossible for a small market like the Brewers, but it really is not. Here is how it could happen:

1) Find a way to clear 30 million a year in cap money; by not bringing back some free agents.
2) Here are some players that would work out in my mind
  • Eric Gagne (10 Million)
  • J.J. Hardy (hard to give up, but prospect in the wings, 2.65 million)
  • Dave Bush (2.5 Million)
  • Ben Sheets (11 Million)
  • Ray Durham (7.5 Million) Or could bring back at a cheaper price,
  • Mike Cameron (Decline 10 Millon dollar option)
  • Decline contracts on rising stars Corey Hart and Rickie Weeks (I know it hurts)
  • Craig Counsell (3 Million)
3) Trade Prince fielder for a couple of major league ready prospects. Get them in starting roles, and run with it. Heck, these guys aren't hitting like they should.

4). Heck, Sell the Organization to Bud Selig, and use the cash to buy Sabathia.

All I know is they need to bring this guy back. He is worth every little penny.

1 comment so far.

  1. N8Dogg September 30, 2008 at 10:31:00 PM EDT
    Sabathia is a LEGEND! Think Favre, but without the off-field relationship.
    The only difficult release that I can see is Hardy because when he is on, he is the best hitter in baseball. (When he isn't, he's not the worst either). Tony Gwynn would make a nice leadoff hitter so that allows Cameron, Durham, and Weeks to be safely let go. Sheets gets hurt too much and at the wrong time (2008 playoffs). Fielder can go, Nelson is first-base ready and with Gamel, we don't need his bat.
    I think this is entirely possible...Now what are the odds of getting Attanasio and Melvin to stop by this site?

Something to say?