Who in the World will Replace Pujols and Soriano?

Category: , By Dex
-Dexter Sports
12:56 PM
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Albert Pujols stumbled out of the batter's box right onto the disabled list. Alfonso Soriano was smashed in the hand by a Jeff Bennett fastball. Six weeks from now, he could be coming back to completely different division standings.

Alfonso Soriano has been a big reason why the Cubs have been winning a lot of ballgames. His ten home runs and 29 RBIs propelled the Cubs in the month of May. He has been a spark on the top of a lineup that has seen fantastic offensive production throughout.

Albert Pujols has been a mainstay in the middle of the Cardinals order. His value goes beyond homers, RBIs and on base percentage. His ability to work counts and be selective to the plate and get timely hits when needed is what the Cardinals will miss. It will be tough for the Cardinals to keep up the pace they have all season. Even hall of fame announcer Marty Brennaman thinks it will be tough, "If that team keeps winning with Pujols out of the middle of their lineup than Tony La Russa is the greatest manager in the history of baseball.” That is coming from an announcer who is known as disliking LaRussa.

With both teams fighting for wins in a tight division, it is imperative that both of these clubs keep chalking up marks in the win column.

To do that, What do these clubs need to do to their roster offensively?...... absolutely nothing.

The Cubs have already went a stretch without Soriano and were able to hold up. From the middle to the end of April, the Cubs were able to win 9 out of fifteen without Soriano. Ryan Theriot held up as the lead off hitter earlier in the year and he will be able to do so again. Theriot, who has a higher on base percentage than Soriano, more stolen bases, and half the strikeouts will set the table for Mark DeRosa at the two spot. With a bunch of guys that play outfield on the roster, it won't be hard for Piniella to try and replace Soriano's production. He simply has to go with the hottest bat.

For the Cardinals, it might be a bit more tough to keep up the pace, but they can easily do it. Though Adam Wainwright made his way to the DL, this pitching staff is quite capable in close games. Chris Duncan will fill in for Albert Pujols and with the power surge of Ryan Ludwick and Rick Ankiel this offense isn't going to slouch when it counts. The only question will be if the middle infield can produce a bit more than usual. When Tony LaRussa is your manager, nothing is out of question.

No matter what happens in this stint, the NL Central will be fun to watch this season. Every single team in the division have been competitive this season.

1 comment so far.

  1. N8Dogg June 12, 2008 at 4:37:00 PM EDT
    Who will replace them? The Brewers. Atop the NL Central Standings. Soriano and Pujols are better than Weeks. He is actually someone the Brewers can afford to lose. If they don't watch out, there might be a shakeup in the standings prior to the All-Star break (and hopefully a shake up in all-star voting).

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