Negro League Commemorative Draft

Category: By Dex

-Dexter Sports
12:37 PM
Dexter-Sports Inbox will be airing a commemorative Negro League draft at 1:00 PM ET. This event is meant to educate those out there about Negro League players and history of the past. The idea was brought together by Dave Winfield. It will be good to tap into the past and find out about these players that have paved the way for many and didn't get the chance they deserved in many instances. Ill be tuning in and you should be too. It is free, and on MLB's

1 comment so far.

  1. Anonymous June 12, 2008 at 2:07:00 PM EDT
    My company does video news stories on great people with awesome attitudes -- they don't get much better than some of the Negro League players who broke barriers in baseball!

    You can see a video we did at MLB's recent symbolic draft of Negro League players, which includes Millito Navarro, Peanut Johnson, Charley Pride and Bill Blair as well as Ken Griffey and Dave Winfield.

    I hope you enjoy it!

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